Newcastle Brain Tissue Resource
Welcome to the Newcastle Brain Tissue Resource
Newcastle Brain Tissue Resource (formerly Newcastle Brain Bank) was established over 30 years ago and has supported major advances in the understanding of dementia and neurodegenerative disease and identifying therapeutic targets. Current cholinergic therapy for dementia was based in part on studies carried out on tissue from NBTR. It currently receives funding from the MRC and the NIHR funded Biomedical Centre on Ageing. NBTR works in co-operation with other brain banks in the UK and is part of the Brains for Dementia Research network funded by the Alzheimer’s Society and the Alzheimer Research UK. NBTR operates under a Human Tissue Authority licence and has full ethical approval as a research tissue bank. All tissue is collected with informed consent.
The Application Process
Normally access is granted to those scientists who can show a direct requirement for tissue for research purposes. Scientific research projects should ideally have independent peer review, although the NBTR recognises that sometimes this is not always possible, such as for small pilot projects which aim to obtain proof of principle data for gaining future funding. Ethical approval is generally requested, although the NBTR can extend ethical approval to projects within the UK as part of its remit as an HTA and Local Research Ethics Committee approved Tissue Bank. Evidence of funding sufficient to complete the study is required to ensure that applicants have the resources necessary to complete the study. Wherever possible the NBTR does recover some of the costs associated with preparing tissue samples. Cost recovery is now standardised across the UK brain banks and details can be found at The NBTR also requests that it is acknowledged, along with its funders, in any publication that arises from work involving NBTR tissue.
Applications for tissue are reviewed by a Committee with an independent Chair and lay representation. This ensures widespread and appropriate use of the tissue. The Committee will provide comments and feedback on applications. Normally a decision can be made within 2-3 weeks of receipt of an application although under some circumstances this may take a little longer. Tissue can be sent to applicants once all approvals have been obtained and tissue is prepared. This can take several weeks depending on the size and complexity of the tissue request. A Material Transfer Agreement will be drawn up between Newcastle University and the recipient's institution. Local researchers will be asked to sign a Local User Agreement.
If you have any questions or to obtain an application form, please contact the NBTR Manager, Debbie Lett ( )